This blog is my journey of transformation. It is the way of being better at ‘being me’. I would like to throw some light on this weight loss journey.
I started with my weight-loss chapter in the month of October 2018. But before going there, let me give you a flashback to my story of weight gain of what made me obese and why I decided to lose weight. The scale stopped at a whooping 91 kgs for me and I couldn’t see myself in the mirror.

The best junkies that went to my stomach

I was a foodie. Daily Junkies including fried rings and cream biscuits were the culprits to my weight gain. The pizzas and pastas showed their love by adding some extra pounds to my mass. I couldn’t control my intake anymore and felt really helpless. Also having carbs made me crave more carbs and ultimately, they all sat in the multiple tires of my stomach.

Everything changed when I met with an accident and was advised complete bed rest. So no movement at all was now possible. I was on 6 months bed rest and all the biological processes in my body seemed to slow down. My metabolic rate was all time low.

I used to have a lot of food. 6 to 7 rotis with ample of other heavy curries and dishes. So my “bed rest” was like a cherry on top for this visible weight gain.
Bed rest with no exercise was the primary reason for gaining more weight. I was also facing some breathing issues due to the weight gain.

On September 2018, my bed rest finally came to an end. With the help of doctor’s advise, I started with a 10 to 15 mins walk. The walk was my first step towards fitness. I cannot explain how difficult it was for me to start. Being at rest for months and then a sudden shooting energy was enough to start a difference in my body. The only best thing about being obese is that even a little exercise can start changing your body rapidly.

I was not interested to join gym for weight loss.
I decided to try natural methods to lose weight.

First things first, I started to walk, 10-15 mins in the evening(normal walk).Yeah I was too lazy to walk in the morning. In my second month, I started walking 20 mins daily and then eventually increased it to 45 mins.

My journey of change from 91kg to 69 till now….. Going strong

It was 1st Feb 2019, and I weighed 82 kg (9 kg lost in 5 months). I was happy with my result.

My eating schedule was something like this

  • Morning breakfast 9:00am- 1 cup tea with few Khari/Toast biscuits or 2 khakhra
  • Salad time 1:00pm- 1 Tomato, 1 Cucumber, 1 Carrot piece
  • Lunch time 2:00pm- Rice preps like Biryani/Tomato rice/ Fried rice/ Mix vegetable rice etc.
  • Snacks time 5:00pm- Fruits like Apple/Pear/ Orange/ Grapes/ Watermelon/ Kiwi (seasonal fruits)
  • Late evening Snacks 7:00pm- Almonds/ cashews/ Dates/ walnuts/ Dry grapes
  • Walk before dinner- 30-45mins
  • Dinner time around 9:00pm- Light dinner (khichdi, Dal & Rice, Idli, Dosa etc.)

I totally avoided these things in my diet – bread, roti (chapati), junk food and cold drinks. Following this diet routine and brisk walking, daily 45 mins I was able to reach my weight loss goal of 70kg in the month of July.

Graph showing my weight curve..

Even after losing weight, I continued maintaining my daily calories intake and avoided eating street food to stay healthy. And that is what is important. Consistency. losing weight is easy but maintaining is what is a challenge.

I hope my story motivates you to change to a better life style and eating habits so as to take care of this beautiful body. Because you are nothing but

