Thursday, July 29, 2021
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The piece of poetry outlines the thoughts of a daughter, still in the protection of the womb. Along with the nutrition she is receiving , she is able to witness the soul of her mother. And she is afraid to come out in the world owing to the darkness she can see in her mother's mind due to an unfortunate incident. Yet, the mother bears all the pain and is struggling to give birth to her child. The poetry is about all that the baby can see and how she finally decides to live for her mother.
God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers The journey of Motherhood is magical than any other journey in this world. A Mother does not need any special day to be celebrated as a Mother's Day because each and every day is special for her. She is a great warrior and each day she steps out as a fighter who...
Today is mother's day and I am sure no one in the world will deny the fact that they do not want to celebrate. Everyone wants to celebrate this day with their mother but most of us will just end up wishing her on phone or by shaking hand... Did you also celebrate your girlfriend or boy friend's birthday like this...
When you have no other option but be the best 24th April 2020, it was my daughter’s fourth birthday and she was super excited for it. Her list of friends as invitees and gifts which she wanted including a special princess cake was already ready nonetheless not on paper but by repeatedly reminding and making it byheart to us. We too...
“The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.” - One SIDED RELATIONSHIP Love is kind, beautiful, generous, selfless, powerful and it’s wonderful. But sometimes it’s also blinding. Sometimes,...
Special days demand Special Celebration. What could be better than accomplishing 52 kms on 52nd birthday. Every challenge creates a new opportunity. Lockdown has enforced our minds and body to adapt and survive within limitations. With lockdown, fitness has taken a backseat for few while some of them are...
An emotional moment with some mixed feelings.Happy Retirement Day to my father & that too at the time when the world is fighting for Corona Virus COVID-19. 35 years of dedication, hard work, never-ending commitments and everlasting responsibilities; Dad as you are going to depart from your office life very soon, the life which...
I DO BELIEVE SOMETHING VERY MAGICAL CAN HAPPEN WHEN YOU READ A GOOD BOOK  -  JK Rowling Just cannot deny, the avid readers amongst us shall agree. A book is not just a string of seamless narrations but a whole universe in itself. It lures us in and as a...
Congratulations!! We have reached a milestone of 27,000 kilometres.It’s not me, it’s not you, it’s we! We did it guys, we did it. #PowerofTogetherness As we flashback through the tough time Coronavirus has imposed on us amid lockdown in India, it was a dilemma if we would be able to conquer...
The coronavirus pandemic has not just affected people and their lives but has also challenged runners and athletes to remain at home, something quite not acceptable. People who are highly active and workout on a daily basis feel antsy when they are asked to remain confined within the walls of the house....

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