17th May 20: The distance and timer was set. All I had to do was achieve the self-set goal. Swiftly, my eyes inspected the living room and I decided the course for the virtual marathon. I chose to walk diagonally to cover maximum distance in minimum time (I am completely unaware how I concluded this). I started walking on my designated path. I walked and walked, treating my ears to some wonderful music. Out of the blue, a question popped up, invading my walk and talk therapy (Umm..just to clear the air, I am a maniac who loves talking to herself). And, the stubborn question was, IS √(n) greater or (n/2) ?!

Birth of Walk-Talk Therapy

The Pythagoras in me was on loose. A tornado of calculations wrecked havoc in my mind. I tried recollecting all mathematical formulas, right from BODMAS to Calculus. Amidst this, another query stood at the threshold of my mind, grinning and demanding attention. I would term it as an elementary question- Why did I think of the previous question at this point in life?

Sometimes, the most simple questions are the hardest to answer. I dared to take the Walk to Remember. Many a times, during my childhood, I questioned the elders regarding their decisions. However, every time I was asked to keep my lips sealed as challenging elder’s decision in our culture is considered disrespectful. OK! What I still cannot apprehend is why the curiosity to know the reasons behind any action is considered as a challenge? This suppressed my inquisitiveness and before realization dawned upon me, I had stopped asking questions!

Its horrific when you stop asking questions without even knowing it

This is a very common situation in most of the households. Children seek to know the WHY of everything. According to me, this trait is necessary for a kid’s development. It should be responsibility of elders to put the inquiring minds of children to rest by acknowledging their queries. This helps them to distinguish between right and wrong, based on their own reasoning capabilities. They will never shy away from questioning their own decisions. And, this will ensure they make the right choices and decisions. When a child plays with his mind to understand the know-how of things, it sharpens the accuracy of his mind, prepares him to be alert and become a quick thinker. Students are told to resolve their queries with their teachers. Now, the child is in dilemma- Should I ask the question or not. Unfortunately, most of them choose to keep mum. This does not stop at education level. It haunts us in the later stages of life, too. For instance, in corporate world if one feels something is wrong at higher level of hierarchy, he is asked to let it go instead of questioning it. Why should one let it go?

Help the children to fill colors in their life and LET THEM CHOOSE THE COLORS

This saddens me to the core. Each mind is unique. It is intriguing how every minute aspect associated with our mind differs for every individual, be it interpretation or perception , or the likes of it. This write-up is a sincere awakening call to all the elders (at any stage of life), to encourage the younger ones to ask questions to the fullest, instead of silencing them. As rightly quoted by John Ciardi “A good question is never answered. It is not a bolt to be tightened into place but a seed to be planted and to bear more seed toward the hope of greening the landscape of idea.”
To the ones already practicing it- Kudos! 🙂
To the ones yet to start on it- Be ready to surf the wave coming your way 😉

PS: My initial question still remains unanswered. It is an open question to all the readers. Feel free to drop in your answers in the comment section.
