As normal human tendency goes, we at times, especially in bad phase, make this common statement, ‘Why me?’ And I too am not an exception.

I had to wake up early in the morning (at around 4 O’clock) for some work and due to some reason was unable to sleep early that night to compensate. Out of no choice I was compelled to wake up early and the moment I woke up, out of frustration due to lack of sleep, I asked this question to myself, ‘Why only me?’

Soon I got busy in some household chores and the question vanished away from my mind only until morning. We(me and my family) caught rick to head to our destination that day.
Without many realizations, I was busy concentrating on my sleep when I heard a conversation between the rickshaw driver and my father-in-law.

‘Sir, this is my daily route. I deliver food at so and so hospital here at 8:00 am on daily basis.’ And he paused for counter question coming from my in-law. 
“The food is made by ladies who wake up at 3:30 am so that it can be prepared and delivered on time.’ He continued.

Now, this was an eye-opener for me. I was quite reluctant to wake up early just for a single day. But, there are people who have to sacrifice their sleep on daily basis.

‘No no sir, I got late today. I generally start my day at 2:30 am. I had to go to a funeral the previous night which is why I got late today.’ He patiently answered the question asked if it was first trip for the day.

He had a positive attitude despite so many struggles throughout the day, rather would say, throughout his life.

Life gives a fair chance for everyone. 
As rightly said, ‘Every sky has a silver lining.’

Neither Good nor bad times will last forever. It all depends on how we adapt to the need of life and most importantly the need of time. There are people who struggle for their lives and it’s survival. But, on the other hand, there are people who do not realize the importance of life and what it has given us. We constantly keep focusing on the things we don’t have in life. We do not cherish the things we possess in life.

Do you ever bother to ask this question, in your good times? Then why do we ask this in our bad times only?

Stop pampering yourself to stop hampering your minds with such questions.

Remember, life gives us enough good and bad. Now, the choice is ours if we choose to remain happy or sad.
