Saturday, July 2, 2022
HomeMotivational StoriesGreat Things Takes Time - Inspiration Story

Great Things Takes Time – Inspiration Story

February 2019, I left my job to support family business. I also opened a fast-food corner by borrowing funds from bank and friends. Karma! This is what I call it, when once I had supported my friend by lending him money for his new startup and another friend of mine supported me for the same cause.

Thinking of beginning of new one

At the same time, I even purchased a new house to stay close to my family and sold the old one. My life was moving no less than a rollercoaster ride.

Reality bites; I was not yet settled, when the unexpected situation of Corona Pandemic came into picture. Although it did not harm me physically, I was taken aback by its storm financially.

Having a successful career of more than 10 years in corporate world, I had never imagined myself landing into such a situation. My shop workers left for their homes in village and business came to a standstill with no source of income left. To our rescue, RBI had announced moratorium facility owing to the situation which was a slight relief for me.

Adaption and acceptance were all could do at the moment.

No wonder, I had support from my wife for income but, that was not sufficient enough to meet the daily requirements. With less scope of my earlier business to progress, I started selling mangoes and worked for some seasonal business activities to fulfil basic family needs and expenses.

The trouble doubled when RBI stopped moratorium effective September 2019. Moreover, my uncle with whom I had planned to expand my existing business died due to Corona which was another setback for me.

Plan Do Check Act. The sad part of my life my is I did not have Plan B or maybe never thought of it when I stepped into business. The only plan which I had made was of retiral at the age of 45 years which now seems far more than a dream.

This failure was so much so that I started getting suicidal thoughts. Sometimes we don’t really have control over our emotions and so was happening with me. On second thoughts, I was wondering if it was wise to give up my precious life just because of debt and liabilities.

Life is beyond assets and liabilities. I had to struggle to control my emotions and thoughts and become a fighter once again.

Great things take time and maybe I could not fit myself into the so-called great business world and hence I decided to step back into the corporate world. With two offers and more counting, I am now all with my new job to live my salaried life with great lessons and experience from past.

Wish me Luck 😊

Pranav Malkan
I always try to find myself inside "ME"....I have an optimistic attitude towards life. I love deep thinking and writing in my free time about my real life experiences which can help someone in someway. I believe Life is really more than what we think it is. "Change the way you look at things, and the things you look at change"

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